Manage your content on your terms.
Across platforms. Web3 Framework for Original Creators to claim and verify ownership of online identities and multimedia content and license creative works P2P.
Join the community
Essential infrastructure for digital creative market 3.0
Claim and Verify your (sub)domain ownership
Receive tips directly to any verified Public ID
Create legally valid Digital Copyright Statements
Unify community: manage subscriptions across platforms
Set terms for your content (licensing options)
Streamline content publishing & sell where you share
Community verified source code
Turn your “dead weight” content into a passive income
Support Original Creators and license multimedia content peer-2-peer
Trust the process
Bring transparency and traceability to Verification Processes and Copyright Claims.
The power of Anagolay is in creating application-agnostic processes (or Workflows) that everyone can trust.
Anagolay Workflow and its building blocks — operations can be run anywhere in any environment (even on Mars!) and always produce the same results (Proofs) for the same (or similar) sets of data.
Anagolay Proofs, combined with cryptographic signatures, verify the rightfulness of a claim and generate Verifiable Statements.
/Introducing now
Community Contributions
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Copyright and Ownership Verifiable Statements created and stored on Anagolay can be applied to solve a number of issues including, but not limited to:
Source code availability & trustworthiness
Highly available storage for source code built with the new ContentVersioning approach gives assurance and trustworthiness by design to developers and users alike.
IP management in the Web3
While creating & storing records of Rights, Restrictions, and Proofs Anagolay allows asset creators to establish how digital assets are used and owned.
Digital Art P2P Licensing
A meaningful and straightforward way to monetize & buy digital art. From verified creators, with customized licensing options. Not just ‘as a collectible’.
Meet the team

Founder & Chief-Architect
Daniel Maricic
Supported by
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